20220817 China News
Source: | Author:eacham | Published time: 2022-08-17 | 502 Views | Share:


Chinese authorities on Monday released an action plan to stimulate the technology-innovation capacity of enterprises. Jointly issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, the 2022-2023 action plan specifies supportive measures in 10 areas, including establishing a mechanism for enterprises to participate in the country's sci-tech innovation decision-making on a regular basis.



Global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will introduce a batch of innovative drugs into China by 2025 for the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as severe asthma, chronic cough and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to Lin Xiao, vice-president of the company's China branch.



In a move to accelerate the application of artificial intelligence and foster a new growth point of national economy, China's Ministry of Science and Technology released a notification on Monday to support the construction of pilot AI application scenarios, with new technologies integrated and R&D cooperation strengthened between upstream and downstream.



The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 530 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 426 were in Hainan Province, the National Health Commission said on Tuesday.



Britain, the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine in late 2020, has now also given the first green light to a variant-adapted shot that targets both the original and Omicron version of the virus.The UK medicines regulator (MHRA) gave the so-called bivalent vaccine made by US drug company Moderna conditional approval as a booster for adults on Monday.



China's economy has maintained the trend of recovery, but more efforts are needed to expand domestic demand, infrastructure spending and consumption, in order to shore up growth, officials and experts said on Monday.



China's overall unemployment rate continued to drop last month, but remained higher than the same period last year and the numbers of unemployed among the young were of particular concern, an official said on Monday.

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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